At Windermere Elementary School:
We take care of others
We take care of ourselves
We take care of this place

Welcome to the 2021-22 School Year!
My name is Keri Gust and I am excited to be the Principal of Windermere Elementary School. I am new to the area as I have spent the majority of my education career in Medicine Hat, AB. I am looking forward to getting to know the area and most importantly, all of you...the families of Windermere Elementary School. Please know that I care deeply about my staff and students and welcome opportunities to spend time getting to know you. Do not hesitate to book a meeting with me if you have any questions or concerns about our priorities at WES. Open communication will lead to a trusting partnership which is what I endeavor to create.
Like many of you, I was optimistic that we would have a more ‘normal’ school year than the last. With the current rise of covid cases across our province, we find ourselves starting the school year with many of the same health precautions in place. More information will be shared with you as we get closer to school start up. I am confident that we will continue to provide an excellent school experience for our students while also prioritizing student health and safety. Thank you in advance for your partnership.
Parents/guardians, we encourage you to get involved with your child's learning. Please be in contact with your child's teacher if you have questions and/or concerns. Please also remember that it is your child's teacher that is the first line of communication. We appreciate your support and partnership greatly and I look forward to opportunities throughout the school year to celebrate the growth of our students with all of you.
On behalf of myself and the dedicated, caring staff of WES, we wish to welcome you to a new school year filled with new learning experiences and opportunities!
Keri Gust Principal,
Windermere Elementary School