Windermere Welcomes Bees to our School Yard

Bring bees to Windermere elementary school.Tusday June 11, 2024.The day before it was a nice day in the kitchen, we were making lemonade sweetened with honey and Peanutbutter and honey sandwiches for the grad 4/5 class which was doing the bee release .releasing the bees it was a nice morning it was more cloudy after lunch after every buddy went inside we waited 15 minutes then we came outside there was a person from Groundswell Greenhouse and two people from Saskatchewan to give Cutter leaf Bees to Windermere. Then we talked about how leaf cuter bees pollinate ten times more flowers than honeybees and thay are solitaire also their bits hurt like a pinch. Then they pulled out a small bee house which lookt like a bird house but with no front wall it also had small rectangle with little holes for the bees to lay their eggs in.Puting the nests up group 1and 2 went to put two nests up [one per group] we were holding theme up with zip ties then group 3 came to put up one bee house we came back and lookt at bees with a minifying glass and had honey and crackers then group 3 came back then we had honey and peanut butter sandwiches and lemonade sweetened with honey then we went back inside . by Ronan Pemberton